Can You Be Offside on a Corner Kick? Understanding the Offside-Corner Rule

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Imagine your favorite goalie getting blocked by an attacker or blocking his sight by getting too close in the penalty area. 

The offside rule makes sure no attacking player takes an unfair advantage by constraining the goalie or the defenders. Does the offside rule apply to all set pieces, especially on corner kicks? 

Soccer has a set of rules to make the game fair and exciting. One such rule is called “offside,” which can be tricky to understand. 

It keeps the players engaged in a healthy game, leaving enough room for goalies to perform at crucial moments. 

Understanding the conditions is important, so let’s discuss in a clear way why offsides do not apply to any players in certain situations, especially during corner kicks. Here we go!

What Is a Corner Kick?

A corner kick is a secret weapon in soccer that helps the attacking team score goals. They are frequent set pieces often awarded after a dead ball situation. 

A corner kick is awarded when the defending team touches the ball last before it goes out of the defender’s goal line, not into the goal. The attacking team is then awarded a corner kick. 

How does it go? Well, the attacking team gets a special chance to kick the ball from one of the corners of the defender’s field. The player kicks the ball from either of the corner areas or arcs located in the opponent’s goal lines. 

The kick is aimed at creating goal-scoring opportunities for the team. The attacking team positions around the penalty to connect with the incoming corner kick and score a goal.  

What Is Offside?

If you’re a player and you’re standing closer to the opponent’s goal than the ball and the second-to-last defender (opponent player), you’re in an “offside position.” 

However, the call is only given when you are actively interfering with the other team’s players. Merely standing in position is not offside,” so it doesn’t count.

To be more accurate, if you are near the opponent’s goal the moment the ball gets passed to you by your teammate, it counts as a violation. 

As a result of the offside, the other team will be awarded an indirect free kick from the spot where the offside offense occurred. 

How Does Offside Relate to Corner Kicks?

The offside rules become obsolete in special situations like corner kicks. The offside call does not apply to any player, no matter where they are, if the ball is delivered from a corner kick. 

The players won’t be penalized even if an attacking player is in an offside position. This allows goal-scoring opportunities from a corner kick. It makes the game more exciting. This turns corner kicks into a thrilling moment. 

However, the offside rules are again applied the moment the ball is touched by the player directly from the corner kick. Players have to be extra cautious about this fact. Otherwise, it will mean a penalty for being offside. 

Can You Be Offside On A Corner Kick?

The offside rule does not apply during a corner kick because of the impressive play that led to the defending team’s mistake. 

Why Can’t You Be Offside from a Corner Kick?

The offside rules are not followed so that the attacking team gets a fair opportunity to score a goal, but only for a brief moment. 

During the corner kick, the ball is positioned parallel to the goal line and near the goal area. This makes it practically impossible for the players. 

This adds an extra layer of excitement and strategy to the game. But once a player touches the ball, the offset rules are, again, put back in place.

Situations Where a Player Is Not Offside

The pause in offside rules gives fairness and exciting gameplay. It also helps teams to reset, plan their moves, and execute their game plan without bothering about the offside rule. 

There are two other instances apart from corner kicks where a player cannot be offside until there is a second touch on the ball. Rules do not apply even if the player is in the offside position or becomes involved in active play.

From a Goal Kick

A goal kick is awarded when the attacking team is the last to touch the ball before it goes out of the opponent’s goal line but does not go into the goal. 

When a goalkeeper takes a goal kick, the offside rule doesn’t apply. The goalkeeper boots the ball downfield to restart the game. 

It provides enough space and time for players to reposition themselves without worrying about the offside rule. 

The offside rule remains inactive until there is a second touch on the ball from players of either team.

From a Throw-In

A throw-in is awarded when the ball goes out of bounds across the touchline. Players take the throw-in along the touchline, allowing both teams to reposition to increase the chances of a goal. 

Players from either side can set up their play without offside rule conditions. During both goal kicks and throw-ins, the offside rule takes a break until there is a second touch on the ball


Soccer has a set of rules for offside and corner kicks to maintain fairness and engagement. Scoring a goal is a high point in soccer; offside rules ensure a balance of sport and fairness, helping goalkeepers perform well. 

On the other hand, wavering of offside rules attracts last-minute thrills from all players and contributes to high entertainment value. 

By removing offside rule boundaries for special sets, the game creates a high likelihood of scoring goals at crucial times. 

A corner kick reward is also a validation for a good performing team, allowing a fair and balanced competitive sport. These rules and their relaxation are what make soccer such an enjoyable sport. 

While giving the right offside call is often met with compilations, there is an increasing attempt to relax the offside rule to allow more goals. 

By Temporarily suspending the offside rule during certain sets, the game improves strategically. It ensures the goals are scored through legitimate means without giving an advantage to any players.

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