Why Does My Soccer Ball Keep Deflating? Everything You Need To Know

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As a soccer lover, nothing is more frustrating and perplexing than the issue of a deflating soccer ball. You need to understand why your soccer ball loses air pressure so you can focus on your performance and your ball’s longevity. 

If the question, “Why does my soccer ball keep deflating?” ever pops up in your head, keep reading to learn the causes of deflation. We will also touch on how to avoid your ball getting deflated and how to fix it when the air goes out. 

Common Causes of Soccer Ball Deflation

There isn’t just one reason why your soccer ball might deflate; there are many. Let’s read up on some of the causes of your soccer ball losing air. 

Damage to the Ball’s Exterior

A very common and significant issue is damage to your soccer ball’s exterior. When the outer surface sustains cuts, punctures, or abrasions, your soccer ball loses its ability to retain air. 

These imperfections cause small openings through which air escapes over time. Your ball’s exterior gets damaged when you play roughly or if it collides with sharp objects. 

If you mishandle your soccer ball, it may also get damaged. You should regularly inspect your ball for signs of wear and tear. 

Leaky Valve in a Soccer Ball

A valve in the soccer ball is the access point through which you inflate and deflate the ball. However, if you don’t create a proper seal at this point, the air can slowly escape. 

Over time, the valve may become faulty, worn, damaged, or simply loose.

To identify this problem, you can submerge the ball in water and look for bubbles in the valve area. You can replace or repair the valve to maintain your soccer ball’s consistency. 

Underinflation of a Soccer Ball

If your soccer ball isn’t inflated properly, you’ll notice that it’s less responsive, less predictable, and harder to control. Your ball may also face uneven wear and tear due to underinflation. 

This is caused by several reasons, such as natural air leakage, temperature fluctuations, and insufficient initial inflation.

You should continuously check your soccer ball for leakages and inflate it to the recommended PSI with a gauge. 

Overinflation of a Soccer Ball

Your gameplay and safety are affected when your soccer ball is overinflated. In such cases, your soccer ball will be excessively hard and lead to problems while you play. 

If you notice that your ball is bouncing more erratically and rolling harder than usual, check for overinflation. Your soccer ball is also prone to more damage and may burst or lose its shape when subjected to high impact. 

You should use a pressure gauge when inflating a soccer and inflate it within the manufacturer’s provided range. 

How Does a Temperature Change Affect a Soccer Ball?

Avid soccer players often ask us, “Why does my soccer ball keep deflating due to a change in temperature?”. Well, temperature changes significantly impact a soccer ball due to the physics of gasses.

Firstly, it causes air pressure variation. When the temperature increases, the air molecules start to move faster against your soccer ball’s interior. 

The opposite happens when you put your ball in a colder temperature. Hence, we can claim that the pressure inside the ball is directly proportional to the temperature. 

When your soccer ball undergoes temperature changes, it can either become overinflated or underinflated. In warm temperatures, the air expands, and your ball faces overinflation. 

If you want to mitigate the effects of temperature on a soccer ball, you should check and maintain the inflation levels based on the conditions.

Doing so will ensure that your ball provides optimal performance despite a temperature fluctuation.

How to Detect a Deflated Soccer Ball

Before you can claim that your soccer ball is deflated, you should know how to detect it. Here are two ways you should inspect.

Visually Inspect

You should look for noticeable changes in the ball’s shape and size. If the ball is deflated, it will appear flatter rather than round. 

Always check the ball for any damage on the surface. Search for cuts, punctures, holes, or abrasions which may cause leakages in the ball.

Physical Inspection

Gently press your hand against the ball’s surface. If the ball is properly inflated, it will feel firm and taut. However, if you find that the ball is soft and yielding to the touch, then it may be deflated.

How to Fix a Deflated Soccer Ball?

If you’re stuck in a situation where your soccer ball is deflated, you should know the tricks to fix it. Here are two ways to fix a deflated soccer ball.

Replacing the Valve

Even though replacing the valve on your soccer ball is slightly tricky, it can be done as a DIY task. First, clean your soccer ball thoroughly. Then submerge it in water and check for leakage. 

Before you purchase a replacement valve, check the valve size and type. Then, deflate the ball completely prior to replacing the valve. You need to remove the valve stem with pliers or a wrench. 

However, be careful so you don’t damage the valve hole. Clean the valve hole and then apply an adhesive to the base of the valve.

Insert the new valve and ensure that it is sealed properly before you inflate your soccer ball. Test your soccer ball and then use it after cleaning it up. 

Using a Repair Kit

A repair kit can easily be found to fix a deflated soccer ball. This kit contains most tools, so you don’t need to worry about carrying those. 

First, use a pin or ball pump to deflate your soccer ball. Then, clean it and identify the valve type. Follow the steps stated above to inflate your ball once more after you place a new valve. A soccer ball repair kit is very handy and makes the replacement process a smooth one.

Preventing Soccer Balls From Being Deflated

Here’s what you should do if you want to protect your soccer balls from getting deflated. 

Proper Inflation

You should always inflate your soccer ball up to the recommended PSI provided by the manufacturing company. If you end up overinflating or underinflating, it’ll cause deflation problems for your ball. 


You should store your soccer ball properly. You need to keep your ball safe from temperature fluctuations and direct sunlight. Avoid storing the soccer ball in your car trunk, as it may lead to deflation problems. 

Maintenance & Care

Maintaining and taking proper care of your soccer ball increases its longevity and ensures a smooth game. After you play on muddy and dirty fields, clean up the ball with a damp cloth. 

If necessary, add some soap to the cleaning cloth. You should also be careful about your surroundings and avoid using your soccer ball on rough surfaces. You can also add a valve cap or cover to protect it from leakages. 


You must inspect and maintain your soccer ball’s performance and durability. By following the measures stated above, you are more likely to protect the ball from getting deflated. 

You can avoid a deflated ball if you regularly inspect your soccer ball and store it properly after playing. A well-maintained soccer ball will enhance your gameplay and ensure that you get the most enjoyment with your soccer ball. 

As a soccer player, you should follow these tips and increase the value of your game. Now that you know everything, you can play soccer worry-free while making your ball last!


How much PSI should a soccer ball have?

PSI varies across countries and games. However, FIFA recommends that the PSE should lie between 8.5 and 15.6. When inflated with less than 8.5 psi, the ball is flatter and more difficult to kick. 

Do soccer balls deflate in the cold?

Yes. If you leave your soccer ball out in the cold, it will deflate. When the temperature is colder, the air molecules inside the ball move less, causing the ball to shrink or deflate. Even if you fully inflate your soccer ball, it will deflate if left out in the cold. 

How does the air pressure in a soccer ball affect how far it’s kicked?

The air pressure inside your soccer ball determines its stiffness. When there is greater pressure inside the ball, it will go farther.

A higher pressure inside the ball means there is more energy inside it, and the ball is stiff. When kicked with force, it will retain its shape and travel a longer distance. 

Do soccer balls deflate over time?

Your soccer ball will deflate over time because of the material from which it is made. This material is not completely airtight, and eventually, there are leakages from it.

Moreover, the valves used to inflate the ball also loosen up over time, causing the air to leak out from the ball. 

How long do soccer balls last?

The longevity of a soccer ball is dependent on the quality of the ball itself. If you choose a high-quality soccer ball, it can last anywhere between three months to a couple of years. If you take good care of your soccer ball, it can last from one to three years. 

Can you wash a soccer ball?

Cleaning your soccer ball is essential to increase its lifetime and improve its performance. However, don’t go overboard in cleaning your soccer ball. 

You may wash it with just water or mild soaps and detergents. Try not to use harsh chemicals as they can damage the surface of the soccer ball.